Monday, January 30, 2012

Blogging Assignment #4


The scene that I chose had very dull, yet unique, sound design. Aside from the ridiculous dialogue, there were certain aspects that the creators of the video definitely considered. To start out, almost all of the sounds were very causal (dialogue, gun clicks, etc). But there were also instances of representational or semantic sound when the conch was used. An echo that has been conditioned to viewers to represent some sort of paranormal activity. All noise on the screen was diagetic and onscreen, except for ambient air conditioning unit noise. Speed and loudness throughout the scene was regular.  Speed was in realtime, loudness was grew as the video continued, peaking in the last few seconds. The space of the sound was very flat and was not dynamic throughout the video, except for the conch scene was gave a very ambiguous feel to the source of the sound. Proximity of the dialogue seemed very close, I seemed that the audio was dubbed over or a boom pole of some sort was used. Similarity of the sound was equally close and did not alter too wildly. And finally emotional/subjective moments of the audio were reinforced with pit music. For instance, sad parts of the dialogue, humor was added through the use of an overdramatic, melancholic piano solo. While more exciting parts of the video were paired with adventurous music and a faster tempo in speaking. 

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