Monday, January 30, 2012

Blog Assignment #1

The Mauve Spy
1. Color

The colors Purple and Black relate to the character in their association to the unknown. Black is an absence of light, it is nothing. My hero is a mysterious figure that has an unknown background and motives. His dark exterior helps keep his character stay hidden in the shadows of the city, spying on his enemies. Purple is a color that is usually not associated with much. A lonely color, much like the loner of a hero. Purple is naturally shaded and does not stick out in the dark but is still unique. My character wearing these colors symbolizes his sneaky, shadow-like attitude and performance.
2. Lighting
The character is always represented on the edge of a hard light. Shadows silhouetting the character's outline. This helps keep the character mysterious and unknown, his motives are wildly unpredictable to the audience because of their inability to see his facial expressions or mannerisms. The light itself represents that the character is a glimmer of hope among serious blackness. The fact that my character is on the edge of the light symbolizes how the character is almost an anti-hero. Working in more sinister ways, it can be deceiving and/or confusing if our "hero" is actually performing his good acts for the right reason or for selfish reasons.

3. Shape
The shape of my character resembles an inward spiral. His body and actions seem to wrap around each other in such a way that it can be confusing where one part begins and the other ends. Spirals are often used to confuse or hypnotize and are often parts of optical illusions. This matches the characters motif of mystery. It is illusive where the character will begin or end. Acting like an optical illusion in the way that he is more than meets the eye at first. The character's representation in this way allows the character to remain conspicuous throughout the stories.

1. Color
The colors of Red, Orange, and Yellow represent the antagonist character. Red, Orange, and Yellow are most often representing two objects in society: fire and anger. Fire is often a destructive force that only consumes, powerful enough to destroy hundreds of miles of forest. Concurrently, fire can be attractive and deceitful in the way it is warming and friendly. The character is much like this, powerful and charming. Hiding his destructive powers behind a warming smile and colour scheme. The colors above also represent anger. This symbolizes the character's frustration and rage hidden beneath. His anger fans the flames of his angry, destructive nature.
2. Lighting
The character, Crimson, is all about being deceitful and two-faced. Therefore, it is ironically symbolic that he is combined with a warm, soft light. The light is very diffuse and seems to almost emit itself from the character himself. Posing as a source of light, a source of goodness, the character is able to attract other characters into thinking that he is a source of friendliness and all that is good.  Meanwhile, the character's motives are purely evil. It seems that the character is almost like deity because whenever he is in frame, he is the source of light or the source of light smiles upon him in a warm yellow-orange.
3. Shape
The antagonist character has a basic shape of crooked lines within a rectangle. The rectangular aspect of the character relate to his stoic good looks and strength. Fulfilling a more heroic jawline, the character always enters the scene looking like the answer to fixing the chaos, not the cause. Among the character's shape is a very irregular stripe pattern that is the only break from the uniform sureness of the character. While the rest of the villain is inviting and reassuring, the almost haphazard diagonal lines allow for a single outlet of discomfort, danger.

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